Trip to PR

 Who am? I am a daughter, a mother, a sister, an aunt, and a foster parent.
 I am a good person and most important in this case a private citizen not a public figure and for that reason you have to stop following me and making things up for you convenience. 

I left to Puerto Rico on February 17 and I came back on February 23. Now I am in my apartment in Lawrence MA. 

Those who broadcast that I was going back to Puerto Rico the same day were lying, they are obsess with me and their imagination keep on failing them %100 of the time.

 It hurts to see that you conversation are being recorded, you apartment being watched and most of the time you are being followed and they can get their fact right, they always lie about me. 

I am going to tell you something that will save you some money I will love to go back to PR soon but I don’t know when if you really want to know my life follow me on Instagram, 

Until next time. One more thing you will be the first to know if I decide to leave this country, and please remember this violating a person privacy is a crime in this country.


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