The​ ​day​ ​the​ ​kindness​ ​reinvented This morning dawned tired from the hectic and wonderful passing day yesterday at the self esteem workshop I was teaching.opened eyes and thought on the faces of people who courageously opened her heart and stepped to walk the path of value, yours. Suddenly noticed that my cell phone was almost discharged and despite attempts to connect with the charger, there was no way to make it work. Enlist me quite ready, come to the store nearest T-Mobil and I waited about fifteen minutes until opened. Although Was the first in the door, a smart girl came forward and occupied the time the only person who was at that time in the store. Pense ... "As always people do not have patience .." After five minutes, I appeared a pretty girl with big green eyes and wonder: I can attend? I told him that my phone was not loaded. Kindly I connect to a device and told me it was not the phone if not the charger. She was willing to buy new one, but she got me one for the modest sum of .. "FREE". Not only that did for me,check prices phones and as always attracts the most expensive, I showed a new version of my old phone in a fantastic and wonderful technology, which surely neither would use half of its functions. Yours sincerely told him that even my "Brujimovil" worked, but wouldinto account the new when could buy.addition to this, take the time to review my account and to summarize, gave me a new plan in which Isave about $ 25 a month, I write downdetail in a paper what I was paying, which was my new billing cycle and if one day I decidedbuy the new "Brujimovil" the discount I would come out and everything. It was all an angel this cute girl! I tellthis because for many years working on things related toservice and when you love what you do, the passion comes. How often have we not gone to places like restaurants, shops, hotels, etc and we left frustrated with attention, with the way we have served and even, as have solved a problem that many have .... right ?? It is obsequious and friendly is part of our essence and even more if our work. Giving a smile we will bring back and remember that our actions, how we with others, determine what we call the "Law of Return" you get what you give, in one way or another



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