
"Why would you read when you can go crazy over how cute I look in this cowboy hat?"

Image via /r/aww

Show HN: Flash your ESP32 from the browser using JavaScript

Show HN: Flash your ESP32 from the browser using JavaScript July 7, 2021 at 02:48AM

Most adorable pupper

Image via /r/aww

Show HN: I've built a BASIC interpreter with DOS-like features for the web

Show HN: I've built a BASIC interpreter with DOS-like features for the web Show HN: I've built a BASIC interpreter with DOS-like features for the web Hi everyone, When the pandemic started, I put QuickBASIC in front of my kids and could see them enjoy toying with writing some simple programs. Since then, I've been working on a side project to build a similar experience using modern technologies, with the goal of having a tool to teach the foundations of programming to (my own) kids. This is what EndBASIC is: is a retro-looking, BASIC interpreter with DOS-like features -- built for the web. The environment is designed to be minimalist in an attempt to reproduce the computing experience of the 1980s where the computers were simpler to understand overall and simpler to program. The interpreter runs on the browser for simplicity, although it can also be installed natively on multiple platforms. Anyhow... I can't say I have reached that original goal

Show HN: I've built a BASIC interpreter with DOS-like features for the web

Show HN: I've built a BASIC interpreter with DOS-like features for the web Show HN: I've built a BASIC interpreter with DOS-like features for the web Hi everyone, When the pandemic started, I put QuickBASIC in front of my kids and could see them enjoy toying with writing some simple programs. Since then, I've been working on a side project to build a similar experience using modern technologies, with the goal of having a tool to teach the foundations of programming to (my own) kids. This is what EndBASIC is: is a retro-looking, BASIC interpreter with DOS-like features -- built for the web. The environment is designed to be minimalist in an attempt to reproduce the computing experience of the 1980s where the computers were simpler to understand overall and simpler to program. The interpreter runs on the browser for simplicity, although it can also be installed natively on multiple platforms. Anyhow... I can't say I have reached that original goal

Spaghetti thief!

Image via /r/aww

Show HN: I've built a BASIC interpreter with DOS-like features for the web

Show HN: I've built a BASIC interpreter with DOS-like features for the web Hi everyone, When the pandemic started, I put QuickBASIC in front of my kids and could see them enjoy toying with writing some simple programs. Since then, I've been working on a side project to build a similar experience using modern technologies, with the goal of having a tool to teach the foundations of programming to (my own) kids. This is what EndBASIC is: is a retro-looking, BASIC interpreter with DOS-like features -- built for the web. The environment is designed to be minimalist in an attempt to reproduce the computing experience of the 1980s where the computers were simpler to understand overall and simpler to program. The interpreter runs on the browser for simplicity, although it can also be installed natively on multiple platforms. Anyhow... I can't say I have reached that original goal of mine yet, but I've been having a lot of fun building this project. As some of you put it before